Penetration Testing Datasheet

Penetration Testing Service

Would your organisation survive a targeted cyber-attack?

Most organisations are increasingly digitising operations, as part of their digital transformation programme. While this is boosting efficiency and delivering better outcomes, unfortunately cyber risk is also increasing.

With more critical systems open to compromise and a much wider digital footprint, it’s getting harder to protect your digital assets and data.

In our increasingly digital world, its vital to understand your security vulnerabilities and ensure the risks are identified and remediated in a timely manner.

Our DLP penetration testing service uses the latest hacking techniques to test and identify your real-world cyber risks and deliver an effective remediation strategy.

targeted cyber-attack
penetration Testing

Our goal is to protect our clients from cyber attack

At DLP Assured, we view good cyber security as a business-enabling function, so that our clients can fulfil their missions without disruption.

Boost your resilience against cyber threats by identifying where you are vulnerable to cyber-attack with our advanced ethnical hacking service.

And remember, there is more to cyber security than just penetration testing.

Cyber risks can exist across an organisation.

What happens if there are poor or inconsistent cyber security policies or procedures for staff? What happens if no one knows how to perform risk assessments? Without risk assessments how can you say what cyber controls you really need? What happens if your supply chain is vulnerable to cyber threats and is not managed? Are you sure you are meeting the data protection regulators requirements for protecting personal data? The list goes on…

Embed and monitor good cyber security practice throughout your organisation with the DLP Cyber Protection Programme.

Designed to get everyone in the organisation involved and doing their bit, we automate many of the burdensome compliance tasks to improve security, strengthen management trust and boost assurance for all stakeholders, so that the business is cyber safe.

cyber protection program

Contact Us!

For any enquires you may have, or to book please contact us using the information below. Alternatively please fill out the form below.

+44 (0)203 397 0142

DLP Assured Services Limited
Kemp House
152 - 160 City Road

Business Email:
Telephone No:

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